To start this off, here’s a list of some growing health issues…

Links will be added soon…but here’s some ideas to get things started and generate some ideas. Most, if not all of these may be treatable/prevented or managed through healthy practices. Please comment with related information as appropriate.

Allergies – This seems to be a growing issue…maybe related to all the GMO stuff out there?

  • Peanut/Nut
  • Soy
  • Wheat/Gluten
  • Dairy

Diseases / Health Conditions (some related to allergies)

  • Lyme Disease
  • Celiac / Gluten Sensitivity
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Heat Disease / Stroke
  • High Blood Pressure
  • And more…

We’ll be searching or valuable links and sources of helpful information to post accordingly. Initially, we’ll post links here in the blog. As we find valuable detailed information that is relatively free of a zillion popups and unrelated information, we’ll post information here. We can’t control what every site does or what they’ll add after a link has been posted, but we want to find serious information sources to share and make them easily available to all with an interest. At some point, we plan to have resource pages to make it very easy to find this information providing a search bar to help you locate information quickly.

Start sharing and help spread the word!